Physical Education

Welcome to the BRMS Physical Education Webpage.

Your PE teachers- Mr. Lennon & Mr. Hight

Here are the National Standards that our PE program focuses on-

Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.


SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author.

© 2013, SHAPE America. All rights reserved. For individual use only. Written permission from SHAPE America is required to use these standards in other works.